
GHOSTnet operates areas in various data centre locations in Frankfurt am Main for its own server and network systems as well as for customers to rent.

Web hosting
As a web host for small and medium-sized companies, we host their web presences, i.e. we take care of all the associated logistics. This starts with the registration and support of the domain through to the management of business-critical processes such as e-mail servers, database servers, etc.

Bare metal rental servers
We set new standards for corporate and end customers with our dedicated servers. We offer our servers in different performance classes and connection sizes.

Cloud server / virtual server
GHOSTnet operates extensive resources of cloud servers that provide customers with virtual server units based on KVM and LXC.

IP transit
We operate our own public network with AS12586. With 1+ tbps connections to Deutsche Telekom, GTT, Telia/arelion, RETN, KleyReX and Decix, we always deliver high bandwidths.

IP-Transit Resale
With only one customer connection to our network, we also sell direct BGP sessions for our customers with their own routers and ASN to the well-known networks of Deutsche Telekom AS3320, GTT AS3257, telia/arelion AS1299. The BGP sessions run directly between the customer router and the carrier router. We are only responsible for transport, aggregation and economic processing.

By operating the KleyReX Internet Exchange, we have connected several hundred network operators to our Internet Exchange in Frankfurt am Main for over 20 years.
IP Management

As a network operator and LIR at RIPE NCC, we are happy to provide IP services for users. From the leasing of IP addresses to their management, we offer many services.
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